How do we pray for America?
Medium Read (6-7 mins)
US Presidential Elections on Tuesday 3rd November 2020
It can be hard being a Christian observer in this American election. There are Christians on both sides with very different values and interpretations of the Bible. Two different national conventions, two very different campaign styles, it can be easy to pass judgement based on simple campaign promises or single issues. It’s not hard to find God in this election, but we shouldn’t assume that he endorses one party or theory in particular, so neither should we.
Washington DC at Sunset. Photographed by CotL Executive Member Tom Bray
Joe Biden talks about this election being for the ‘Soul of the Nation’ and this appears quite appropriate. Two parties that are miles apart in their approach to governing. America literally won’t be the same next year!
So, with the stakes arguably never being higher, how do we as Christians pray? It seems a bit uninformed to just pray ‘that Joe Biden/Donald Trump will win’ based on whether we consider them likeable on the TV. We are called to go deeper in our thinking.
The right words can be very powerful and let’s not forget that Christian leaders can have a very strong influence over their congregations. The democratic online convention appeared to place a big value on ‘’We the People’’, which originates from the American Constitution. Let’s not forget that despite all of the spin doctoring and short campaign slogans, it is the people who decide their leaders. Democratic leaders rule by consent and so personally, I become very worried when I hear talk of not accepting the result, and this makes me want to pray that the Will of the People will be done, and that those with a voice use it wisely.
The American Declaration of Independence contains another well-known line: “We hold these truths to be self-evident”. This is a moving line and a good reminder that every election America has the opportunity to define the values they have. Practically this might mean whether they will embrace immigration or fear it. Whether they prefer a scientific approach to environmental protection or decide that the environment is expendable for profit. This makes me want to pray that America will vote for good values.
Abraham Lincoln Monument. Photographed by CotL Executive Member Tom Bray
The Capitol Building, Washington DC. Photographed by CotL Executive Member Tom Bray
The Bible can also be helpful in pointing out relevant leadership qualities. It is obviously different for everyone but to me, in this context, leadership is someone who has done their shift in the factories, that knows how to find the hope through the heartache and that pays their bills. Matthew 23:11 says that: ”The Greatest among you shall be your servant” so I will pray for servant hearted leadership.
But let’s also be understanding in our prayers about the genuine battles that America is facing right now – battles over wealth, science and civil liberties. The recent Supreme Court opening could also have much longer-term effects in complex issues such as abortion that many are passionate about. I try hard to understand all these issues but in reality many of them are just different in the UK. Some might not be keen on our leader but will usually admit that he/she recognises our rights as citizens. I, for one, can only imagine the feeling of helplessness that some Americans must face when they hear comments from their leader that leave them unsure as to whether they are even considered a citizen in his eyes. So, I pray for reunification and healing.
Let’s also not write America off. Americans can sometimes be the butt of British jokes but their role in the world has been substantial through history and often inspiring. They landed a man on the moon, they have produced incredible actors and musicians, joined the fight against Fascism in Europe and helped bring countries together. We watched them get hit hard on 9/11 but years later we are still humbled by footage of the first responders running fearlessly towards the dust and rubble. This leads me to pray that America will show a different kind of courage this time by voting on values and not necessarily by tribe.
The White House, Washington DC. Photographed by CotL Executive Member Tom Bray
The world has too many issues going on for the citizens of the most powerful country within it to vote thoughtlessly. If the candidate wears one badge but says things that worry voters then this should be challenged and candidates should be judged on standards that we all employ in our Christian lives . I pray that America will go back to basics when voting in this election by remembering what made it great and why “We the People” was such a powerful context. What is important to the nation and how does it wish to be remembered over the next four years?
My closing message to America is simply that “you got this’’ … We have faith in you. It’s time for you to show the world what you expect from your leaders, what truths you determine to be self-evident today and who you consent to follow. We are all one in Jesus Christ and the world needs you back in the International conversation. We have planet wide emergencies that need you standing alongside us. America first and only just isn’t going to work…
Godspeed to all our friends across the pond!
Matt Bunday is a Councillor at Southampton City Council and former Labour parliamentary candidate. He also teaches Event Management in Higher Education and is currently doing a masters in International Relations at the University of Reading.