Our Vision
We exist to see God’s spirit bringing peace and prosperity to the UK through government, systems and elected officials. We support those directly and indirectly involved using our links throughout government and Westminster, as well as the Labour Party and local politicians and activists across the country.
Our Values
We believe that Christian teaching should be reflected in laws and institutions and that the Kingdom of God finds its political expression in democratic socialist policies.
We believe that all people are created in the image of God. We all have equal worth and deserve equal opportunities to fulfil our God-given potential whilst exercising personal responsibility.
We believe in personal freedom, exercised in community with others and embracing civil, social and economic freedom.
We believe in social justice and that the institutional causes of poverty in, and between, rich and poor countries should be abolished.
We believe all people are called to common stewardship of the Earth, including its natural resources.
What we do
Leading & Serving
Resourcing & Supporting Christians (on the Left) who #ShowUp
Trying to be a prophetic voice to politics, the Labour Party & the church
… and a whole host more as you get to know us: we are a movement, which means we’re driven by our members and the myriad of local, national and community activities they are involved in, as well as our executive and our centrally driven activities.