Labour Party Conference 2016 Round-Up
At September's Labour Party Conference in Liverpool, Christians on the Left promoted our #patriotspaytax campaign.
A number of MPs endorsed the campaign, and both party leader Jeremy Corbyn and shadow chancellor John McDonnell referred to it in their speeches. We also organised the annual Conference Service, and continued to use the Christians in Politics slogan #diagreewell. This led to various mentions in both the Christian and mainstream media.
The Independent: Nine Things to Take Away see point two on this list (by Jon Stone)
The Guardian: Unity or Terminal Decline there is a paragraph on the importance of patriotism (by Owen Jones)
Church Newspaper: Why We All Need to Learn to Disagree Well (by Stephen Beer, our political communications officer)
Christian Today: Labour Can Learn Lessons From Faith Groups' Unity (by Stephen Beer, our political communications officer)
Church Times: Collaborate as Faiths Can, Divided Labour Urged (by Tim Wyatt)
Additionally, Andy Flannagan, our director, was interviewed on BBC Radio Merseyside and TWR - Trans World Radio (a Christian station).
“What are you most proud that your tax pays for?”
Love your country. Pay your Tax. #PatriotsPayTax