Statement from Christians on the Left - October 2020
Statement on the EHRC report on the Labour Party
Christians on the Left welcomes the Labour Party’s response to the EHRC’s report into antisemitism in the Party. We have been clear in our view that the Labour Party needed to do more to tackle antisemitism. Antisemitism is unacceptable and should have no place in the Labour movement. The EHRC findings are shocking and show how far the Party had moved from its core commitment to equality.
In June 2019, we called for transparent disciplinary procedures and an independent disciplinary body. We called for a firmer line from the leadership that antisemitism will not be tolerated, ignored, or excused.
In its report, the EHRC recommends that the Labour Party “publish a comprehensive policy and procedure” and establish “an independent process to handle and determine antisemitism complaints.”
The Labour Party leader, Keir Starmer, has committed the Labour Party to implementing the EHRC’s recommendations in full. This is the right decision. He has also repeated his commitment to zero tolerance of antisemitism and to a change of culture in the party. These are important commitments that we fully support.
We stand in solidarity with the Jewish community and our friends in the Jewish Labour Movement. As a committed affiliate of the Labour Party, we will continue to play our part in ensuring the Labour Party is an open and welcoming place for people from all backgrounds, and all communities.
— Christians on the Left Officers, October 2020